Platige Image "Join the Goodness"
- Entrant Company: Platige Image
- Client: Babybel
- Brand management: Anne-Catherine Barret, Katherine Dalman
- Advertising agency: Havas Chicago
- Agency management: Amy Merchant, Charlotte Picq
- CCO: John Norman
- Production house: SOLAB
- Director: Hervé de Crécy
- DOP: Agustin Claramunt
- Executive Producer/SOLAB: Nicolas Tiry
- Executive Producer/Platige: Artur Zicz
- VFX Producer: Mateusz Wisniewski
- VFX Supervisor: Maciej Szewczenko
- Music prodcution: GUM
- Composer: David Yousefi Hashtyani
- Title: "Join the Goodness"
- Product: Food
- Advertiser: Babybel