BBDO CA "How to cook luxury instant noodles: RAMEN"
- Agency: BBDO CA
- CEO: Yulya Yugay
- Senior Account Manager: Kseniya Zhanokova
- Creative Director: Kolya Shkoda
- Creative Director: Igor Golushko
- Art Director: Elena Nikuluhkina
- Art Director: Renat Poposhev
- Copywriter: Daria Priezzheva
- Copywriter: Kolya Shkoda
- Designer: Eleonora Kist
- Designer: Elena Nikulushkina
- Production: Chilly
- Director: Kostya Sobol
- Title: "How to cook luxury instant noodles: RAMEN"
- Product: BigBon Tien Shan Ramen
- Advertiser: Mareven Food Tien-Shan