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Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH "Charles III – The Burger King"

Topical and Real-Time Advertising

"Charles III – The Burger King"

"Charles III – The Burger King"

  • Chief Creative Officer: Felix Fenz
  • Chief Strategy Officer: Bastian Goldschmidt
  • Executive Creative Director : Julijus Rebic
  • Executive Client Service Director: Wolf Bockelmann
  • Creative Director: Robin Seufert
  • Creative Director: Nicolas Berg
  • Art Director: Nils Strothoff
  • Motion Design : Johanna Fastenau
  • Motion Design : Anindito Waskito
  • Account Director: Denise Ewald
  • Account Manager: Aylin Kalender
  • Content Creation/Photography: Tim Schulz
  • Content Creation/Photography: Tim Gänsler
  • Creative Production: Axel Leyck
  • Creative Services: Christoph Heller
  • Strategy: Jacoba Möser
  • Strategy: Nadine Costabel
  • Data: Vincent Wilmink
  • Data: Andrew Santos
  • Social Media Company: davidmartin GmbH
  • PR Company: Ketchum GmbH
  • Give Away Production: BURGERWARE GmbH
  • Promotion Company: Edgar Ambient Media Group GmbH
  • Media Company: Dentsu X Germany GmbH
  • Photography: Jörg Carstensen
  • 3D Artists: Reiner Brecker
  • 3D Artists: Alexander Ritter
  • Sound Production Company: Studio Funk
  • Speaker: Alan Orpin
  • Director Marketing (Burger King): Klaus Schmaeing
  • Head of Brand (Burger King): Danny Wilming
  • Manager Digital Marketing Com. (Burger King): Elâ Winnefeld
  • Manager Marketing Com. (Burger King): Paula Stahlhut
  • Manager Public Relations (Burger King): Daniel Polte
  • Title: "Charles III – The Burger King"
  • Product: Burger King
  • Advertiser: Burger King

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